Water Fluoridation in Pennsylvania
Forced-Fluoridation Legislation in PA
10 Reasons to Oppose Mandatory Fluoridation
Just Say No to Toxic Waste in your Water / Say Yes to the Safe Water Bill
New: "Drugs in the Water" Testimony before Philadelphia City Council
Water Fluoridation Chemical Shortages and Rising Costs
Sign the Online Petition to End Fluoridation and call for a Congressional Hearing
Read the National Academy of Sciences report "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards" (March 2006) in brief and in full
If there is information that you cannot find on this website, check out the Fluoride Action Network.
What is fluoride?
Fluoride acids are among the most corrosive chemicals known. The fluoridation chemicals used in public water supplies are waste products of the phosphate fertilizer industry. If the industry wasn't permitted to dump this waste product into our drinking water, they'd have to dispose of it as hazardous waste.
In some places (like Philadelphia), Zinc Orthophosphate (which is "slightly toxic" if ingested) is added to the water to counteract the corrosive effects of the fluoride.
Fluorides are considered poisons in Pennsylvania law. Fluoride exposure has been linked to many health problems, including hip fractures, neurological damage, ADD/ADHD, lead poisoning, Alzheimer's Disease, birth defects, skeletal fluorosis, dental fluorosis, early onset of puberty, immune system suppression, bone cancer and other rare forms of cancer.
There have been several attempts in recent years to fluoridate specific communities in Pennsylvania (where 54% of the public is already mass medicated with fluoridated drinking water). After 40 years of local opposition, Allentown was fluoridated in November 2000. In the past several years, Elwood City, Scranton, and Erie have been targeted for fluoridation and there has been talk about fluoridating the Aqua PA (formerly Philadelphia Suburban Water) system. During the 1990's fluoridation was stopped in Yardley (Bucks County) and York. In 2003, Shaler, PA (Allegheny County), voted down fluoridation. York has also been targeted continually.
There have been ongoing attempts to force the entire state to add fluoride to the drinking water. In 1973, an attempt to use the courts to require state-wide fluoridation was stricken down. Bills to make fluoridation mandatory in the entire state have been defeated several times in the past decade. Due to the efforts of concerned Pennsylvanians, the Fluoridation Act was blocked in the 1999-2000 legislative session and again in the 2001-2002 legislative session. In these last two sessions, we have managed to keep the bills stuck in committee while building support for alternative legislation known as the "Fluoridation Choice Act," which would give communities the right to remove fluoride from their drinking water if they so choose.
Pennsylvania is the only state in the nation where it has been considered illegal to remove fluoride from a community's drinking water supply once such fluoridation is started. The courts have called the state's fluoridation policy "arbitrary" but they allow it to continue, forcing communities like Lebanon, PA to continue fluoridation even when they want to stop (after having a tank of fluoride split and pollute their community). This precedent may have been overturned with the state's new policy (finalized March 13, 2004) which creates a permitting process for "Proposals to Add or Remove Fluoridation Treatment by a Community Water System." This has yet to be tested in the courts.
We are opposed to any mandatory fluoridation bill in Pennsylvania and we oppose any further movement to fluoridate the drinking water of communities in the state. We support the right to remove fluorides from the drinking waters of the Commonwealth.
To find out whether your drinking water is fluoridated, click here.
Inform your community about fluoridation!
Download the Water Fluoride Brochure
Guide: How to Stop Water Fluoridation in Your Community
What is wrong with this picture?
A comparison between the toxicity and maximum
contaminant levels of lead, fluoride and arsenic
Relative Toxicity | Maximum Contaminant Levels |
 |  |
Based on LD50 data from Robert E.
Gosselin et al, Clinical Toxicology of
Commercial Products 5th ed., 1984 |
Standards established by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency |
[Note: The arsenic standard was lowered to 10 ppb in 2001 and the EPA's fluoride standard needs to be lowered in response to the National Research Council's report that their current standard isn't safe.] |
Fluoride Overview
National Academy of Sciences Report
"Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards," Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water, National Research Council, March 2006. Download (WARNING: large 4.5 MB file; 450 pages)
NAS press release:
"EPA Standard for Fluoride in Drinking Water Is Not Protective; Tooth Enamel Loss, Bone Fractures of Concern at High Levels"
Summary of Report - Fluoride in Drinking Water
Relevance of the NRC report to fluoridation
Many good resources on the report
EPA Professionals Union Opposition to Fluoride
EPA Headquarters Professionals Union stance opposed to fluoridation
11 EPA Unions Call for National Moratorium on Fluoridation due to Bone Cancer Findings (Aug 2005)
EPA Unions letter to Congress asking for moratorium on water fluoridation
Fluoride Health Effects
- Fluoride Health Effects Database
[Includes arthritis, bone fractures, osteosarcoma (bone cancer), dental fluorosis, learning disabilities and effects on kidney and thyroid function.]
- Dental Fluorosis Caused by Fluoride Exposure
- Fluoride In Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards (U.S. National Research Council, March 2006) [4.6 MB]
NRC Executive Summary
Review of NRC Report in Fluoride
- Is Water Fluoridation an Environmental Racism issue?
- Discussion on Bone Fractures
(British Medical Journal, 6/16/2001)
- Thyroid Doctor-Nurse Team Exposes Fluoride Risk
(HarperCollins, 5/1/2001)
- More Government Research Shows Fluoridation Creates More Harm Than Good
(PR Newswire, 9/8/1999)
- Study Finds Correlation Between Fluorides In Water And Lead Levels
(Dartmouth News, 8/31/1999)
- Fluoride Implicated in Violence and Cocaine Use
(The Chronicle of Higher Education, 9/8/1998)
- Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia - Important New Study Shows Grave Implications From Interaction Of Aluminum And Low Dose Fluoride (4/22/1998)
Fluoride's (In)Effectiveness
Income, not Fluoridation Status Determines Dental Health (data from CDC & DHHS compiled by Bill Osmunson)
New Studies: Fluoride Not Preventing Tooth Decay
[Regarding American Association for Dental Research 2006 annual meeting]
Tooth Decay Trends in Fluoridated vs. Unfluoridated Countries
In PA, the worst teenage tooth decay is in Pittsburgh, a city fluoridated since the 1950s. This is according to the 2002 state Department of Health report and publicized in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review in 2005.
[The report summary also shows that the highest rates of dental fluorosis are in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh... both fluoridated since the 1950s.]
Additional documentation
Fluoridation Status of Other Countries
Fluoride News/Updates
For more fluoride news, visit the Fluoride News Tracker or just the Pennsylvania News.
- New Warnings About Fluoride (NewsMax, 7/18/2006)
- New Studies: Fluoride Not Preventing Tooth Decay (ArriveNet, 3/9/2006)
- EPA unions call for moratorium on fluoride in drinking water (Associated Press, 8/31/2005)
- Fluoride tablet distribution discontinued at Shamokin Area schools (The News Item, 10/10/2002)
- Fluoride chemicals and terrorists activity
(Salt Lake Tribune, 10/16/2001)
- Dentists Cause Cavities
(Sally Stride, 9/14/2001)
- Where's the fluoride? Not in the water. (Phila. Suburban)
(Philadelphia Inquirer, 7/30/2001)
- Tooth Decay Is Back - Fluoride's No Help
(PR Newswire, 5/2/2001)
- Tigue Bill Would Put Teeth in Fluoridation Push
(Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, 4/1/2001)
- Erie City Council Opposes Fluoridation
(Go Erie, 3/15/2001)
- Fluoride Combines With Aluminum In Drinking Water
- Testimony of Dr. Hirzy before Senate Subcommittee
- National Water Week Marked by Congressional Probe On Fluoridation
(BW HealthWire, 5/15/2000)
- Fluoride-wise, it ought to be two strikes and you're out
(Tribune-Review, 11/28/1999)
- Toronto Voters may get teeth into fluoride issue
(Toronto Star, 9/8/1999)
- Congressional Committee Questions EPA on Fluoride (5/10/1999)
- A Crack Appears in the Fluoride Front
(Toronto Star, 4/25/1999)
- Fear of fluoride: Questions about the safety of this cavity-fighting chemical aren't just for right-wing conspiracists anymore (Salon Magazine, 2/17/1999)
- Dentists Profit from Fluoridated Water
(Paul Carpenter, columnist, Allentown Morning Call, 1/24/1999)
- Scientists Accuse National Academy of Sciences of Unscientific Behavior in Promoting Fluoride (1/21/1999)
- Some Young Children Get Too Much Fluoride
(Wall Street Journal, 12/21/1998)
- The Donora Fluoride Fog: A Secret History of America's Worst Air Pollution Disaster
- Health officials want fluoride levels reduced (Canada, 3/20/1998)
- United States EPA Scientists take stand against fluoridation of drinking water (7/15/1997)
- Fluoridation Revisited
(The New American, 12/14/1992)
State and Federal Taxpayer Money used to Promote Fluoridation:
Links to online fluoride resources: